Category: Articles

In recent times, the workforce has witnessed a monumental shift often referred to as the “Great Resignation” or “Great Attrition”. This phenomenon described the mass exodus of employees from their current jobs, as they sought greener pastures or explored alternative career paths. While this seismic change in the employment landscape has largely fizzled out, there are many lessons to be learned from the reasons behind the movement and employees would be wise to take heed of these lessons for the future.​

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As individuals navigate their financial journeys, especially in the years leading up to retirement, it’s crucial to explore every avenue for creating income streams and optimizing financial flexibility. One such strategy that often flies under the radar is utilizing 72(t) withdrawals from retirement accounts. While primarily designed for retirees, 72(t) withdrawals can also be a valuable tool for those not yet in retirement, offering a way to access retirement funds before reaching the traditional retirement age without incurring early withdrawal penalties.

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As planning professionals, we’ve seen firsthand the importance of careful and deliberate estate planning when it comes to the execution of gifting transactions. Waiting until the last minute to effect complex or even seemingly simple gifting transactions can lead to unintended consequences that can undermine even the best-intentioned estate plans. ​

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In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of life insurance has become more apparent than ever to not just older Americans but also younger adults. A recent study conducted by non-profit LIMRA found that nearly half of all Gen Z (those roughly between the ages of 18 and 26) and Millennials (those roughly between the ages of 27 and 42), numbering some 53 million people, recognized the need for life insurance and believed they did not have enough insurance coverage.

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With January 1, 2026 on the horizon, there’s a significant planning opportunity to be taken advantage of prior to the sunsetting of the temporary increased lifetime gift and estate tax that was part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Taking advantage of the current exemption levels, while also leaving enough time for thoughtful planning, can lead to significant tax savings and provide an opportunity to strategically transfer assets with high growth potential out of the taxable estate.

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A well-designed buy-sell agreement is a crucial component for businesses aiming to secure a smooth transition of ownership in the face of unforeseen events. Traditionally, buy-sell agreements have been designed as either cross-purchase agreements or stock redemption plans, each with their own benefits and drawbacks depending on the specifics of a given business.

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Side hustles have gained tremendous popularity as a way to supplement income and achieve financial freedom. In addition to growing your revenue streams, oftentimes, a side hustle offers opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and entrepreneurial ventures. In this blog post, we will explore a few lucrative side hustle ideas that can help you boost your income while taking advantage of skills or assets that may be untapped.​

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The goal of these life insurance fundamental articles is not to get too granular on any particular insurance carrier’s product offerings, but rather to provide a broad basis for understanding how various product types work.

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Saving for college can be daunting, but with the help of prepaid 529 plans, families can take advantage of attractive tax benefits and secure their child’s future education expenses. In this blog post, we’ll explore the details of prepaid 529 plans, including how they work, their tax advantages, and how they differ from traditional 529 plans. We’ll also delve into which states have approved prepaid 529 plans and what happens if you move out of a state in which the plan is approved.​

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Regardless of the business cycle stage your company finds itself, it is likely that on a day-to-day basis as a business owner your mind is focused either on ensuring customer satisfaction or taking care of your employees in some way. It’s possible, a financial advisor or your attorney mentioned a buy-sell agreement at some point. But if the topic even momentarily grabbed your attention, it is unlikely it made any lasting impression on you and even more doubtful that it spurred you into action. Unfortunately, this is all too commonplace because of the investment of time and money most business owners assume is involved- to say nothing of the general avoidance associated with subjects a buy-sell addresses, like death and disability. Let’s dive deeper into what a buy-sell agreement does and why you should have one.

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